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Welcome to the Crystal Police Department Online  Crime Reporting System.
If this is an emergency, call 911.

 The following incidents may be reported online:
Animal Control (click to enter this system) Damage to Property  Damage to Vehicle 
 Fraud and Forgery Harassment  Illegal Dumping
 Info/Crime Tips  Lost Property  Security Camera Registration
 Shoplifting  Theft  Theft from Auto
 Trespass Notice Vehicle Tampering  Vulnerable Person Registration
If your incident is not listed above, please contact the Crystal Police Department to file your report.

Is online reporting right for you?
You must answer yes to ALL of the following questions to file your online report:
• This is not an emergency.
• There is no specific information on suspect identity other than a general description (e.g. clothing, physical appearance, etc.).
• This incident occurred within the City of Crystal in Minnesota.
• This did not occur on Hwy. 100 (State Patrol jurisdiction).
• I am age 18 or older.
• I have an email address.
• This is not a crime motivated by bias.
• I have information on who is reporting the crime or owns the property, what was lost, stolen or damaged, when the incident took place, and where it happened.
• I understand my report will be reviewed but not investigated.
• I understand filing a false police report is a crime. M.S.S. 609.505.

If the above conditions have been met, you can file your report online.
If not, call 9-1-1 for an emergency or contact the Crystal Police Department to file your report.

Upon completion of this report
Expect to see the words: "Your online police report has been submitted." This indicates that your online police report is complete and is in process to be reviewed by department personnel. All cases filed using the Online Crime Reporting System will be reviewed; however, online reports will not be investigated.

Click "Start Report" below to enter the online reporting system.
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City of Crystal-Police