Rights and Services for all Crime Victims
1. You have the right to apply for financial help for losses resulting from a violent crime. This assistance does not cover property losses. For application and information, call (651) 201-7300.
2. You have the right to request that the law enforcement agency withhold public access to data revealing your identity. The law enforcement agency will decide if this is possible.
3. You have the right, if an offender is charged, to be informed of and participate in the prosecution process, including the right to request restitution (money court ordered from the offender and paid to the victim).
If you feel your rights as a victim have been violated, call the Office of Justice Programs at (651) 201-7300 or 1 (888) 247-8799: TTY (651)-205-4827.
24 Hour Crisis Phone Lines
Crisis lines are committed to serving persons regardless of race, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, religion or gender and will refer you to specific resources as needed.
Crime Victim Services (Any crime victim) (612) 340-5400
First Call for Help (Emergency Resources) (651) 291-0211
Mpls Crisis Nursery (Shelter/Abuse & Neglect Prevention Counseling (763) 591-0100
Sexual Violence Center (612) 871-5111
Crisis Connection (Mental Health Counseling) (612) 379-6363
Financial Assistance to Victims of Violent Crime
Crime Victims Reparations Board (Not a 24 hour line) (651) 201-7300
Bias Crime Victims
Crystal Human Rights Commission (call Crystal City Hall at (763) 531-1000 to contact them.
Victims of Domestic Assault
1. You can ask the city of county attorney to file a criminal complaint.
2. You also have the right to go to court and file a petition requesting an Order for Protection from domestic abuse. The order could include the following:
a. an order restraining the abuser from further acts of abuse;
b. an order directing the abuser to leave your household;
c. an order preventing the abuser from entering your home, school, business, or place of employment;
d. an order awarding you or the other parent custody of or visitation with you minor child or children; or
e. an order directing the abuser to pay support to you and the minor children if the abuser has a court order to do so.
3. You also have the right to notification if prosecution of the case is declined or criminal charges are dismissed.
Emergency Services and Shelter
Cornerstone MN (24-Hour Crisis) (952) 884-0330
Monday thru Friday, Daytime Office (952) 884-0376
Cornerstone MN is not a part of the court system. They are a community-based domestic abuse intervention project staffed by advocates who are available to offer you support, information, referrals, and options to help you heal with your situation. We assure complete confidentiality. Services include:
24 Hour Crisis Line
Legal Advocacy
Educational Support Groups
Hennepin County Domestic Abuse Office (612) 348-5073
Police and Services Information
Crystal Police - Emergency 9-1-1
Crystal Police/Non-Emergency/Nights/Holidays/Weekends 9-1-1
Crystal Police - Administration/Permits/Reports (763) 531-1014
Crystal Police - Property/Evidence (763) 531-1017
Crystal Police - Juvenile Specialist (763) 531-1023
Hennepin County Jail (Offender Release Information) (612) 348-5112
Hennepin County Attorney (Victim Assistance) (612) 348-4003
Hennepin County Court (Brooklyn Center) (612) 543-2150
Hennepin County Court (Minneapolis) (612) 348-6000
Hennepin County Warrants (612) 348-2000
Hennepin County Adult Protection (612) 348-4111
Hennepin County Child Protection (612) 348-3552
Al-Anon, Alateen Information Services (9-4pm) (952) 920-3961
Alcoholics Anonymous (952) 922-0880
The POINT NW (763) 493-3052
Crisis Intervention Center (612) 347-3161
Detox - Main Center (612) 879-3187
Mission Farms Detox (763) 559-1402
Emergency Social Services (612) 596-1300
Legal Aid Society (612) 332-1441
Family & Children's Mental Health (612) 339-9101 (BP office (763) 560-4412
Poison Control (612) 347-3141
Rape/Sexual Assault Counseling (612) 825-4357
Family & Children Services (763) 560-4412
St. Joseph's Childrens Shelter (612) 827-6241
Towing Contractor - North Suburban (763) 535-2201
U.S. West Annoyance Calls 1 (800) 582-0655
North Hennepin Mediation Program (763)-561-0033